Monday, April 6, 2009

As life changes, so does peoples expectations...

It is a well known fact that once a married woman has a child and then decides to stay at home to take care of said child, it then becomes expected of her to join the amazing and mysterious world of blogging. Before this step in life, blogging was optional. But once you become a stay-at-home mom, society demands that you keep an online journal. I'm sure I don't know why.

What I am sure about is that I am not one to slight the demands of society.

However, there are a couple of things that I have a hard time with when it comes to this whole blogging thing:

First of all, my life is boring. I have nothing to contribute when it comes to my life. Nor am I one of those who can create an alternate reality for the readers benefit.

Second of all, who are my readers? I need to know my audience. If it turns out that my blog is so boring that no one would care to read, I need to know that at least one person is interested in what I have to say.

So... In order to address these issues, I have come up with a solution that will allow me to fulfill my societal obligation. My life is boring, but my life has become entirely intertwined with someone who is now experiencing life with all of its joys and sorrows for the first time. Now that is exciting. I will write about her. And who will my audience be? It will be directed completely towards that little girl that I am now writing about since she can't keep record of everything she is experiencing herself. Everyone else is allowed to read it, as well, but Ella, this is directed to you.